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Castrum Solmus

International V4 archery tournament


The main problem we are trying to solve is the unification of rules, categorization and conditions of traditional archery competitions not only in Slovakia but also in the surrounding countries. At present, traditional archers in Slovakia are subject to the rules of the 3D Association and belong to the PBHB category (Primitive bow, Horse bow). However, this category does not sufficiently specify the types of bows according to their construction. This results in inconsistent conditions for participating shooters and minimal participation in these tournaments. Local competitions are created, which have their own rules and categories (according to the type of bow and arrow construction), which makes it impossible to unify competitions for national rounds. Archers in Slovakia do not have the opportunity to compete in higher competitions at the national level.

In Hungary, HDH-IAA historical rules have been developed that meet the requirements of a precise division of primitive, equestrian and traditional bows. These rules are actively used in Hungary, but are hardly used at all in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. Our project Castrum SOLMUS - international V4 traditional tournament will be a demonstration of these rules in practice and at the same time a meeting of leading personalities of national and supranational associations of traditional archery. In addition to the tournament, there will also be an interview with a discussion on how to connect traditional tournaments not only locally but also internationally. The main goal is to get traditional archery to the level of sports and Olympic archery. Another goal is to connect V4 archers and exchange experiences, knowledge and skills in this area.

An example is the promotion of historical fencing to the international organization HEMA, which organizes historical fencing tournaments at the sports level.

Castrum SOLMUS - V4 international archery tournament is not only an international competition, but also a meeting of leaders of the association of traditional archery (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, France, Germany). An open discussion on the topic of unification of rules, categories and disciplines will take place on the eve of the tournament with the aim of improving communication between associations, improving the archery society's awareness of tournaments abroad by linking current websites and making tournament information available in English. It is the language barrier that is often an obstacle to participation in foreign tournaments (especially HU-PL, CZ-HU, CZ-PL) and a language mutation (English) could eliminate this problem. This problem is not only in the V4 countries, but also in France and Italy. This would improve the availability of foreign tournaments not only for Slovak shooters, but also for others. Castrum SOLMUS will be an example of the application of international rules of traditional archery according to HDH-IAA historical rules. Shooters from all participating countries can try this type of tournament and bring suggestions for improvement in the future. They will be able to publish feeds about the tournament at . Castrum SOLMUS should raise the profile of Slovakia, as well as other V4 countries in Western Europe and create space and conditions for mutual participation in international tournaments. Castrum SOLMUS is a continuation of previous Castrum and Castrum Bathory tournaments and is built on the foundations and experience of organizing these tournaments.


The Castrum Solmus project is funded by the International Visegrad Fund.

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